IoT Data Has a Million Uses

Explore the IoT use cases and opportunities that Sigfox
low power wide area network enables.

Smart Workspaces

Places of work aren’t just that anymore. They’re living, breathing organisms that react and change according to their surroundings and those that spend time within them. The workspaces of today are expected to work harder than ever before, but are we making most of them?


Asset Tracking

“Where’s my stuff?” is a question asked by enterprises across all industries.

Whether your assets are traveling across sea from port to port, across acres of land, throughout a large campus, or within a one-building facility, Sigfox IoT network enables insight into where your stuff is.

Asset Monitoring

What if you could know what’s going on with your assets… beyond just its location?

Whether your asset is a city, a container, or an employee which is remote, fixed, or traveling, Sigfox enables you to receive insights on their condition.


Predictive Maintenance

Early detection of issues can mean the difference between a simple fix or a costly problem.

Sigfox enables remote equipment and system monitoring, allowing you to set maintenance threshold alerts.

Regulatory Compliance

It’s essential to have auditable systems in place to ensure compliance.

Dated and manual processes have associated risks, lack real-time insights, and don’t guarantee an accurate data trail.


Streamline Operations

The opportunity exists to save time and resources by remotely monitoring parts of your operations that require manual check-ins.

Consider how much you could save if you knew the status of more parts of your business.


Supply Chain & Logistics


Smart Cities

Utilities & Energy

Smart Buildings




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